Introduction to DBMS

                Introduction to DBMS

Introduction to DBMS
Introduction to DBMS

The Evolution of Database Technology

  • Components of Database environment
  • Hardware, Software, Data, procedures and people
  • Information and Meta data
  • File-based Approach and Database Approach
  • Data hierarchy
  • Components of DBMS
  • Functions of DBMS
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Approach
  • Uses of Database
  • Database Architecture

 Components of Database System Environment


Set of physical devices on which a database resides. Can range from a PC to a network of computers.


– database management system (DBMS)
– operating system
– application programs
– User Interface


The term data refers to known facts that can be recorded and preserved
   Include text, graphics, images, and/or video

Used by the organization and a description of this data called the schema.

– A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human beings or by automatic means.

– Raw data which is unprocessed Text, colours, symbols, shapes, graphics, images, temperatures, sound, video or other facts and figures are data suitable for processing.

E.g. Person or Employee or Customer
name, address, phone, date of birth, designation, department, salary,
employee no, photograph


Instructions and rules that should be applied to the design and use of the database.


Two different types of people (end-users and practitioners) are concerned with the database.
1) End-Users
– are the ‘clients’ of the database, who need information from the database to carry out their duties.
e.g. Executives, managers, staff, clerical personnel
2) Practitioners
– people responsible for the database system and its associated application software.
e.g. Data and Database administrators, Database designers, Application developers.

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